How do I add students to a group?

Take the following steps to create a group and add students, or, to add students to an existing group.

Note: Students will be automatically added to the default group exam group. The instructions below are for custom groups.

Create a group and add students:

1. In the left side bar, click the "+" sign as seen below:

2. Next, fill out the form on the right sidebar as seen below.

3. Then, check the boxes next to the student names and click 'Preview Group'

4. Confirm students and click 'Add Group' to finish.  Now you can view the group in the left sidebar on the stats page.



To add students to an existing group:

 1. Click on the group in the left sidebar as seen in the example for "Spring Cohort 2023."

2. Click on the 'Edit Group' button in the top right of the stats page.

3. Click '+Add Student' in the right side panel.

4. Select the students to add to the group and click 'Add Students'.


5. Click 'Save Changes' to finish.  You can now see the additional students in the group.