How do I send licenses to students and add them to a group?

This article shows you how to send a Pocket Prep license invite to students and include them in a class group.

This video demonstrates the process of sending a license invitation to your students and including them in either a new or existing group at the time of the invite. It also showcases an example of the email students receive with the license invite.


For a written description of these steps you can use the following instructions. 

1. Navigate to the left side of the Stats page and select the “+” in the “Students” area:

2. A new tab will appear on the right side of your screen. Select the exam you will be giving to your students.  

3. If you would like to add students to a group during the invite process you can do so using the Add to Group option and either add them to an already Existing Group, that you created, or you can Create New Group.  

Note: By default our system will add them to group for your exam.  You can use the customer group creation option for managing different cohorts of students.  All groups are viewable within the Settings tab under the My Groups / Organization Groups section.

4. If you Create New Group and enter your Group Name you will then select who can use the group and who can edit the group in your organization. 

5.  Once you have established your group settings select the Next button on the bottom of the tab.


6. Paste or type out the student(s) email addresses in the large text box under “Add emails”. Multiple email addresses must be separated by spaces, line breaks, or commas. Valid email addresses will be highlighted in blue.

Pro tip: Compile your student's emails in a spreadsheet or other document and copy/paste in step 3 to make this process quick and easy. Make sure the last email in your list is highlighted in blue as well by hitting enter or space after it.

4. Select the Next button.  You can add a personal note to your invitation email, if you like. Select Next button to send the licenses out to your students.

Click the blue Add Student button and the invitations will be sent.

Below is an example of the email they will receive. It will include your name, the organization name you used in creating your Dashboard account, and the exam name.

Pro Tip:  Let them know to look for the following email from Pocket Prep and to activate their licenses as soon as possible.

After invites have been sent, and before a student activate their license, they will show up as Pending on the Stats tab. 

When you go to the Settings tab, you can view the status of student invites in the Students section. From the Status column, you can easily see whether the student invite is still pending or they have activated their license.

NOTE: We send 5 reminder emails to students over a two week period letting them know to activate their license. 

If after two weeks students haven't activated their license you can resend an invite to all students, or a specific group.  Navigate to the Settings tab and select the checkbox in the upper left corner of the Students list for all students, or individually select the student(s), and choose Resend Invite.  Once students have activated their license they will be automatically added to the group you created.

Additional Notes: 

Cancel Invite - If you determine students aren't going to use the license you sent them, or you want to take back the invite for another reason, you also have the option from the above screen to cancel their invitation and take the license back.  You would select all the students where you want to cancel their invite and then select the red Cancel Invite button.

Archive Student - If you want to remove student(s) from the roster because they are done with the class you can also use the above screen to archive an individual or group of students in bulk. Simply select the student(s) and select the red Archive Student.  This doesn't remove the student's access to Pocket Prep it only helps to clean up your roster so older students are no longer in view.  They will be moved the the Archived tab in this section.