How do I resend student invites?

Students may not activate their license right away. This article will show you how to resend invites in bulk or individually

1. Navigate to the Settings tab at the top of the Dashboard screen.

2. Go to the Students section

3.  From the Status column, you can easily see whether the student invite is still pending or they have activated their license.

NOTE: We send 5 reminder emails to students over a two week period letting them know to activate their license. 

If two weeks have passed without students activating their license, you have the option to resend the invite. Simply use the Filter Students option and filter by Pending.  

Then select the checkbox in the upper left corner of the Students list for all students, or choose individual student(s) and click on the Resend Invite link. Once students activate their license, they will become active and automatically join the system exam group. If you created a custom group during the invite process, students will also be added to that group

Additional Notes:  

Cancel Invite - If you determine students aren't going to use the license you sent them, or you want to take back the invite for another reason, you also have the option from the above screen to cancel their invitation and take the license back.  You would select all the students where you want to cancel their invite and then select the red Cancel Invite button.

Archive Student - If you want to remove student(s) from the roster because they are done with the class you can also use the above screen to archive an individual or group of students in bulk. Simply select the student(s) and select the red Archive Student button.  NOTE: This doesn't remove the student's access to Pocket Prep it only helps to clean up your roster so older students are no longer in view.  They will be moved the the Archived tab in this section.